
go where your going to

I think I'm going to drive to the mountains and live there for a year. Get in touch with nature for kicks. It would be quite a trip to sit on top of the world without a care. I could take down a grizzly bear with my bare hands and wrestle mountain lions. That's a skill all men need. The ability to wrestle with nature's giants. I'm still reading Wild at Heart and I like it a lot. People do look tired, aggravated, and bored with who they are, as the author says. I don't think we were really built to sit at office desks all day. It seems less than adventurous to me. Being a CEO is exciting, but living as a savage in the wilderness provides for better stories. A CEO can tell a story like, "I introduced myself to the interns today and caught one of them looking at porn." That's probably the most exciting thing that will happen to him in months. A wild man can say, "I took down a pack of wolves today with my pinky." That's sweet.

Once I finish college I'm moving straight to the outback equipped only with a pair of shoes and a big knife. I'll document my adventures on the sides of cave walls and conquer the wild. When I return I'll write a bestseller about my trek through the wilderness and some big CEO will buy it with feelings of nostalgia for his childhood.

I'm going to start looking at everyone as if they were a child. I can't judge children or question their laughter. It's a pure form of innocence. I like looking at people laughing and imagine them as a kid laughing. It makes me laugh too, which sort of freaks people out and then I laugh harder. The funniest thing in the world is peoples ignorance towards others. Everyone's egotistical, some more than others. We are always the first thing in our minds. You cannot deny that.


catch the breeze and the winter chills

Back to the drawing board. Good 'ol Brian asked me to design him a tattoo to look like om, which is some sacred Hindu syllable signifying God and Creation. I got sort of excited at the chance to do this because I really needed an excuse to get distracted. So I worked on this for the rest of the nite and came up with a final end product:

We played around with the colours, but in the end blue came out on top. For fun I hid my name in the art as well, but he has no idea...I think.





It feels good to be drawing again. Too bad I didn't get accepted into the art department. I'm pretty sure that their letter of denial significantly changed my future. I'm not sure if it was for better or worse, but right now I'm feeling good about their rejection...


deep inside the canyon i can hide

Hollywood is ridiculous. If I ever get rich I think I would move to the ghetto. Well, maybe not the ghetto, but definetely not Hollywood. I tuned into that Newlyweds show on MTV. Celebrities are the most pampered people on Earth. I felt sorry for the little girl on the episode because she'll probably never grow up knowing what it's really like to work for money. I mean, some celebrities have earned their way into the inner circle of stars, but others are just born into it like royalty. They'll always have everything provided for them. Money can bring you a high, but it only lasts so long. I would have to make a guess that only 10% of people in Hollywood are truly happy with themselves. All their expensive cars and luxurious mansions only temporarily fill an infinite void.

I'm sort of glad that Hollywood exists though. Without it we would have all those celebrities on the streets not knowing what to do with themselves. They would be lost. Of course all they would have to do is hold out some money for help. The universal signal for distress is a $20 bill raised high. That should solve their problems. I doubt some celebrities would know what to do without a checkbook.

I'm not trying to bash everyone who has a lot of cash. What I am trying to bash is the people who think it will be there for all eternity. Money can only give so much until we grow tired of it.



So I started reading this book called Wild at Heart and so far it's pretty brilliant. Not too many books capture me, they have to have a certain mood about them which draws me in. When I read something it has to excite me, make me think, and ring a certain truth all on the first page. Wild at Heart has been pretty successful at doing that so far, so we'll see how it goes.

Apparently scientists are about to discover the true colour of the sea. They have figured out how to measure the brightness and hue of ocean colouration. Awesome. This is a great breakthrough in science. Once we know the colour of the ocean nothing can stop us. We're moving up in the world.


throw away your television

I actually did something productive today. Our relay for life team had a meeting last nite so I figured, since I never have much to do, I could draw up a t-shirt design:

It's almost done and the few people I've shown it seem to like it. I haven't picked up a pencil in months. It felt really good to just play around with ideas and lay something out that people might like. Advertising might just work out after all, but I'm having doubts. The field is almost entirely dependent on public manipulation. That doesn't sound cool. I can picture a marketing team sitting around a desk figuring out how to manipulate kids to buy more cigarettes. I don't want to manipulate people for a living unless I'm with Leo Burnett. I could manipulate people all day if I had the chance to work at Leo Burnett. I told a sailor what I wanted to do for a living. He gave me a slight grin and replied, 'even God needs marketing to spread the word.' This is true. It made me feel really good about going into advertising, but then I thought about how I disliked religious advertising. The ads I've seen usually can be interpreted as follow me or go to hell. Maybe I could change that, but I don't think that a lot of people really pay much attention to any sort of religious advertising these days. I don't. I thought about going into mission work, which is almost a form of advertising in itself because there is a message sent out to the public through action. I could live like that I think. It's probably the most effective form of religious advertising. Making an impact would be fun. Working for Leo Burnett would be funner. Maybe I'll do both. I certainly have the time. Or do I? *cue dramatic music*


run, rabbit run

I would kill for a lego set right about now. I used to make wicked awesome designs with them. Me and my brothers would play lego city and I would be the sonofabitch mayor who collected taxes. I made a pretty penny off of it too. We would have these stupid elections where all three of us were running for mayor even though we made up the entire voting populous. Somehow I won the election though. Things got pretty intense when I raised taxes after a couple months. I would always come downstairs to find the mayor headless on his throne or one of the walls missing from my mansion. So much drama over a 130% tax raise. It really wasn't that big of a deal in my opinion. It was like real life, all the tax money was supposed to go towards new legos, but instead I would take the money and buy nuclear weapons with it. Well, not nuclear weapons, but I did buy lunch. This sort of got the citizens of Lego City (my two brothers) to plot against me, which ultimately lead to my downfall. When they informed me of their plot to overthrow my reign I pretty much destroyed the whole city and left them in charge of the rubble. A perfect ending to my dictatorship.

My favourite thing about legos wasn't the profit they brought me, but the freedom they gave me to do whatever I wanted. Legos set me free and with every new set containing a different piece I was closer to having it all. I could design anything. I had found an outlet and a way to express myself. I'm guessing this is why I got into art so much. I like being creative, which is why I would die for a set of legos right now. The worst thing about legos was having someone ruin your creation. I had once built an enormous tower and named it The Sears Tower(it didn't really look like the Sears Tower, it was just tall as hell). Anyways, after a couple of days of hardcore legoing and finding the right pieces it was complete. Two days later a projectile flung by a terrorist organization(my four year old cousin) struck my masterpiece and destroyed it.

I've heard about these monks who make intricate collages out of tiny grains of sand, which take many hours to complete. Upon finishing their design they don't leave it there, but instead sweep it up and start the process again. I experienced this firsthand when The Sears Tower came crashing down. I don't know how they do it. Create something so beautiful only to destroy it and start again. I've always respected monks for a couple of reasons (1) Their outfits are awesome (2) They always seem to be hiding a wonderful secret. I don't exactly know what secret their hiding, but I'm sure that through a life of servitude they have a pretty solid idea.


when i'm old and wise

I was reading some weblog today that was all about anti tsunami relief. The guy only had three posts, but he had managed to collect a couple hundred comments against his cause. There really wasn't much to what he was saying, just a lot about his dissent towards people in India, and I didn't like his opinions so much as I enjoyed reading all of the comments that people had left. I thought it was pretty lame that the majority of the commentators preferred to be left anonymous. It's like making a stand and then running away from the podium, trying to get the last word in. Anyways...

Napoleon Dynamite is an amazing movie. Critics have to look beyond the lack of plot and stupid humour. It's supposedly based off of a true story, which makes it even better. I wish every high school came fully equipped with its own Napoleon. That would have made the four years go by so much faster. I knew several people who came close to Napoleon, but no one could really compete with his tetherball skills. All in all, that director has got balls to put out such a pointless(much like this post) movie. It's almost like watching real life at some points. The soundtrack is genius and adds a great feel to everything. I can't imagine what movies would be like without music. It sets the mood and puts everyone on their feet. A movie that is entertaining without music would be revolutionary. Even the early guys like Charlie Chaplin had music by their side. All those group videos we used to do in school were boring because they didn't have music in them. It was just people talking about really boring stuff. Whenever I watched group projects there would have to be some really crazy antics to get me to pay attention. Like swearing or strip tease. If the unit on logarithms had included strip tease I would have gladly listened up; however it didn't.


well I just had to laugh

So I saw a preview for The Pacifier the other day. A couple things need to be said about this movie (1) It's made by Disney (2) Vin Diesel is the star of the movie, and plays a babysitter/Navy Seal. I usually like Disney films because their animators have the uncanny tendency to throw in lots of subliminal messages; however, I must protest to this new film of theirs. Note that not more than two weeks ago I saw The Chronicles of Riddick where Vin Diesel played his usual bad ass role. He can't just switch around. This is almost as bad as Johnny Depp's new role in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I just hope they can do the original justice.

I don't understand why pharmaceutical companies these days are trying to attract kids. I've been seeing all these commercials for freezer pops that will help children rid themselves of colds and provide a delightful afternoon snack at the same time. Medicine shouldn't attract kids. I know that kids are really easy to target so I guess that's a smart economic decision, but what happens when they get hooked on delicious freeze pop medicine? I could see some child with a sweet tooth not being able to resist the soothing taste of freeze pops and then end up passed out in a pile of wrappers two hours later. At least he won't have a cold though. He's dead. Brilliant marketing scheme. That's why I want to get into advertising. I can direct advertisements for products like motor oil to kids. Daddy will have lots of motor oil for everyone next Christmas. I love it.

The entertainment industry is really disappointing me these days. Reality television has ruined everything. I've seen far too many spinoffs of Survivor. Good show, one time around. I don't really like television that much. South Park and Family Guy have their moments, but I never can remember to turn on the television in time. Spanish shows have their perks also. Mind you I haven't the slightest idea what they're saying, but this makes it all the more interesting. People are a lot more pleasant when you can't understand them.

i think i've got it.


drive on the young side of life

Being a kid is fantastic. You can be entertained by anything. The greatest present I got when I was a kid was a giant refrigerator box. Honestly, my parents could have given me huge boxes for Christmas every year and I would have been more than content. I used to pretend my box was a tank and roll around the yard in it. I didn't need movies, music, television, or toys. I needed a giant cardboard box to keep me company. Everyone was jealous of my box. Back in the day, whoever had the biggest box was the most popular.

I remember those wicked awesome cars that you could drive around in. That was the only other thing I wanted besides a box. I didn't get it though, which is probably why I imagined I had a tank. With a tank I could run over all the stupid cars the other kids had. A car is a car, but a box is so much more. It could be a spaceship, a giant gun, a house, a landmine, or a pair of pants. That's why boxes are so marketable to little kids. Instead of lemonade stands being set up on street corners, I should have been setting up box stands. Kids would go begging to their parents for money, while I would reel in the profit. I think the only other money making scheme I had as a kid involved destroying our backyard and replacing it with a mini golf course entitled Sandy Links. I was going places.

Life is kind of funny. Mentally when you're young you want to be older and when you're old you want to be younger. Physically when your young you can't do much in the real world, and when your old it's the same. I think being young is very much like being old. We revert back to a stage of childhood where we can't do anything, where we are helpless. Throughout our life we want to be something different. Everyone wants to be a kid again, especially if their childhood was memorable. Wayne Szalinski had the right idea with his shrink ray, he just forgot to fix it so that we become younger also. I wonder if we became kids again, if we would just want to be older again. The mind tricks us like that and makes us paranoid about who we are, when really we're doing just fine.

ook inside yourself.


a different tune

I want to know who invented the bagpipe and shake that man's hand. How messed up do you have to be to come up with an instrument like that? It's a bag with four hollow sticks coming out of it. Leave it to Ireland and Scotland to master something so insane. No wonder we have so many immigrants, everyone in their country is taking up bagpipe. Don't get me wrong. I love listening to bagpipe everynow and then, but when an eight year old tries learning the second hardest instrument in the world, the sound that results isn't so pleasant. It brings back horrific memories of my brother learning the saxophone.

Music makes the world go round. It's a drug. People are constantly in search of entertainment, anything to make the day go by faster. We are bored. Look at the bagpipe and tell me it is not a clear resultant of boredom. There are a few reasons why people get into instruments (1) Parents. (2) Role Models. (3) Boredom. Usually it's parents who want you to take the piano or violin thinking that your some sort of prodigy child. Kids usually play an instrument until the end of middle school when they realize that they have free will. Before they get into high school they save themselves the embarrassment of being labeled a band geek by putting down the talent or lack thereof. Role models play a large part in the persuasion too. Kids want to grow up to be like Britney Spears, Kurt Kobain, or William Hung so they pick up an instrument hoping that one day the red carpet will greet them with open arms. Some people are just more musically inclined than others. I think boredom is the best way to get into instruments. What else is their to do over summer break besides pick up the jazz flute? Your friends will like you cause there's nothing else to do and your parents will think it's better than watching television all day. You can't go wrong.

There's something to be said about the people who have a real passion for music. You can feel it when they play. Every word that comes from their mouth is dripping with emotion and you're hit with whatever meaning the song holds. Tears in Heaven is a good example of this. I once heard someone compare this song to elevator music, but I don't think he was really listening to the song. I don't blame him though. Everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how thoughtless or ridiculous, but I personally would take Tears in Heaven over elevator music any day.

i'm still looking.


salvation a la mode

I'm beginning to think I'm a communist. It's cool to think about what the world would be like without money. It would probably still suck, but not as much. Say if money is represented by variable M and suck is represented by variable s. Without money, the amount of suck on the earth would equal s - M. Maybe though, M is so large that suck would become a negative number. So then we would blow. Great. I wonder what would replace money though, once it is out of the picture. If I had a guess, which I do, I would say that popularity would become society's new form of money. If you think about it Hollywood is like high school. You've got the sluts: Anna Nicole Smith, Christina Aguliera, etc. The stoners: Courtney Love, Macaulay Culkin, George Bush, etc. The dumb bitches: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Ashlee Simpson etc. The list goes on. It's all some intricate web of relationships and stereotypes that one cannot even begin to comprehend. That would be society's new order. Whoever has the most recognized name gets it all. That sucks, I'll take money over that. Communism is cool in that it creates one whole society by eliminating the need for organized government. See people have the wrong idea about Communism these days. I blame Lenin. Marx and Engles talked about how it would just happen naturally. The only thing that I don't like about his theory is how, in a system of Total Communism, organized religion would be eliminated. I don't think society will ever come close to comprehending life after death, which is one of the reasons that we have different religions in the first place.

Religion is awesome. Especially if you truly believe what your preaching. Some people have to convince themselves of what they believe by saying it lots of times, but that won't do anything. It's something deeper to truly know that God exists. We're all looking for that inner peace to calm a restless soul.

did you find it?


rebel, rebel

Google never ceases to amaze me. I'm making a pretty solid prediction that Google will make a strive for world domination within the next few years. It's no longer a search engine. It's a revolution.

I have a couple predictions for what's going to happen with these posts (1) They'll turn into complete nonsense or ramblings (2) I'll forget about them. I really will have to go with the latter of the two here
. These online journal things seem to be the new thing, and I have to say, spilling out your innermost thoughts onto the internet is brilliant. It's a form of art. I read one recently on xanga where for about 30 entries this kid was talking about how much he wanted his girlfriend back. Fantastic. Some people always act surprised when they find out that people read their online journals. Funny how the internet is accesible to billions of people, yet they're still astonished that someone has found out their secrets. Personally I would rather write in one of those diaries with the cheap ass locks that you can pick just by spitting on them.

So I guess I was wrong because it seems I'm already rambling. We'll see how this plays out...