
when i'm old and wise

I was reading some weblog today that was all about anti tsunami relief. The guy only had three posts, but he had managed to collect a couple hundred comments against his cause. There really wasn't much to what he was saying, just a lot about his dissent towards people in India, and I didn't like his opinions so much as I enjoyed reading all of the comments that people had left. I thought it was pretty lame that the majority of the commentators preferred to be left anonymous. It's like making a stand and then running away from the podium, trying to get the last word in. Anyways...

Napoleon Dynamite is an amazing movie. Critics have to look beyond the lack of plot and stupid humour. It's supposedly based off of a true story, which makes it even better. I wish every high school came fully equipped with its own Napoleon. That would have made the four years go by so much faster. I knew several people who came close to Napoleon, but no one could really compete with his tetherball skills. All in all, that director has got balls to put out such a pointless(much like this post) movie. It's almost like watching real life at some points. The soundtrack is genius and adds a great feel to everything. I can't imagine what movies would be like without music. It sets the mood and puts everyone on their feet. A movie that is entertaining without music would be revolutionary. Even the early guys like Charlie Chaplin had music by their side. All those group videos we used to do in school were boring because they didn't have music in them. It was just people talking about really boring stuff. Whenever I watched group projects there would have to be some really crazy antics to get me to pay attention. Like swearing or strip tease. If the unit on logarithms had included strip tease I would have gladly listened up; however it didn't.


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