
well I just had to laugh

So I saw a preview for The Pacifier the other day. A couple things need to be said about this movie (1) It's made by Disney (2) Vin Diesel is the star of the movie, and plays a babysitter/Navy Seal. I usually like Disney films because their animators have the uncanny tendency to throw in lots of subliminal messages; however, I must protest to this new film of theirs. Note that not more than two weeks ago I saw The Chronicles of Riddick where Vin Diesel played his usual bad ass role. He can't just switch around. This is almost as bad as Johnny Depp's new role in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I just hope they can do the original justice.

I don't understand why pharmaceutical companies these days are trying to attract kids. I've been seeing all these commercials for freezer pops that will help children rid themselves of colds and provide a delightful afternoon snack at the same time. Medicine shouldn't attract kids. I know that kids are really easy to target so I guess that's a smart economic decision, but what happens when they get hooked on delicious freeze pop medicine? I could see some child with a sweet tooth not being able to resist the soothing taste of freeze pops and then end up passed out in a pile of wrappers two hours later. At least he won't have a cold though. He's dead. Brilliant marketing scheme. That's why I want to get into advertising. I can direct advertisements for products like motor oil to kids. Daddy will have lots of motor oil for everyone next Christmas. I love it.

The entertainment industry is really disappointing me these days. Reality television has ruined everything. I've seen far too many spinoffs of Survivor. Good show, one time around. I don't really like television that much. South Park and Family Guy have their moments, but I never can remember to turn on the television in time. Spanish shows have their perks also. Mind you I haven't the slightest idea what they're saying, but this makes it all the more interesting. People are a lot more pleasant when you can't understand them.

i think i've got it.


Blogger erin said...

do you remember when they came out with butter that you could squeeze out of a tube, and it came in pink and blue, so kids could make designes with it and shit? SICK. Like we really need kids making butter smiley faces on everything they eat.

2:44 PM

Blogger ezekiel said...

I'm glad I wasn't around for that. It seems green ketchup has somewhat taken its place though. Pink butter...

4:56 PM


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