
there we stand about to fly

So I watched House of a Thousand Corpses the other day and was terribly disappointed. Not that I had high expectations for it in the first place, but I was expecting something else I guess. It reminded me of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it's filmed really differently and they threw in a bunch of random clips of naked girls throughout the movie. It's interesting to think about movies like this actually having some truth to them, but at the same time it's hard to believe. Something which is so far fetched just makes me laugh when I watch it because I can't buy into the story. Gullible people probably have more fun with horror movies. Like Attack of the Killer Clowns; the movie is about alien clowns that come down to Earth. You can't honestly expect me to believe that this could actually happen, but for some people maybe it could. Clowns are kind of scary I guess.

Someone asked me the other day what my worst fear is. I hadn't thought about this in awhile and a lot of things ran through my head, but nothing really came to my immediate attention. After some more thought it came down to this: the one thing which makes me more afraid than anything is something bigger than myself. Something really big. Not like The Sears Tower or Jupiter, but something which is infinite. Something so powerful that one cannot even comprehend its size. I read somewhere that roughly 1,000,000 Earth's can fit into the Sun. That's unfathomable. Actually, it's fathomable because you can picture 1,000,000 Earth's fitting inside the Sun, but what about something you can't even picture or put into words? That is what I fear, and I suppose I'll call it God. I don't even know if fear is the right word; perhaps it's dread like awe. Anyways...

Over the weekend pretty much everyone went home so I decided I'd draw on the wall again:

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Because it's pretty difficult to see anything, I put individual one's below.

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Sponge Bob

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Cookie Monster

I want to fill the entire wall with drawings; I'll note that I wanted to do that last semester also. Maybe I'll follow through this time around. We'll see...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't go home...you shoulda called me :(


10:13 AM


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