
drive on the young side of life

Being a kid is fantastic. You can be entertained by anything. The greatest present I got when I was a kid was a giant refrigerator box. Honestly, my parents could have given me huge boxes for Christmas every year and I would have been more than content. I used to pretend my box was a tank and roll around the yard in it. I didn't need movies, music, television, or toys. I needed a giant cardboard box to keep me company. Everyone was jealous of my box. Back in the day, whoever had the biggest box was the most popular.

I remember those wicked awesome cars that you could drive around in. That was the only other thing I wanted besides a box. I didn't get it though, which is probably why I imagined I had a tank. With a tank I could run over all the stupid cars the other kids had. A car is a car, but a box is so much more. It could be a spaceship, a giant gun, a house, a landmine, or a pair of pants. That's why boxes are so marketable to little kids. Instead of lemonade stands being set up on street corners, I should have been setting up box stands. Kids would go begging to their parents for money, while I would reel in the profit. I think the only other money making scheme I had as a kid involved destroying our backyard and replacing it with a mini golf course entitled Sandy Links. I was going places.

Life is kind of funny. Mentally when you're young you want to be older and when you're old you want to be younger. Physically when your young you can't do much in the real world, and when your old it's the same. I think being young is very much like being old. We revert back to a stage of childhood where we can't do anything, where we are helpless. Throughout our life we want to be something different. Everyone wants to be a kid again, especially if their childhood was memorable. Wayne Szalinski had the right idea with his shrink ray, he just forgot to fix it so that we become younger also. I wonder if we became kids again, if we would just want to be older again. The mind tricks us like that and makes us paranoid about who we are, when really we're doing just fine.

ook inside yourself.


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