
alright, alright, slow down

I've been in the strangest mood lately. Sunday nite I couldn't concentrate on my paper for the life of me so I took a nap around midnite and woke up an hour later. Sadly though the nap didn't shake my lack of motivation and I sat around some more. I've never been so easily distracted in my life. I think I ended up praying for some inspiration, which came later after eating a bag of Fritos. I sat down and spat out a few more pages early Monday morning. Funny how the paper was about my Lifevision; I should have just written about how I'll never do anything on time.

I think I start tutoring today...I'll have to call and see about that. This should be interesting; I've already been asked twice by random teachers to remove my hat. I swear they have hat radar because I honestly had only been wearing it for a couple seconds and was walking out of the building when I was stopped by a teacher. I've never understood rules like that, but I guess I'll comply if it helps them sleep easier. Anyways...

My problem with writing is that I don't have a goal set in mind when I sit down and start typing. I just sort of let my thoughts spill into my fingertips, where they stay until something triggers me to begin typing. Then by chance I'll think of something else I want to expand on and I'll start a new paragraph. I'll completely forget about what I was typing about and just put down, 'anyways...'. I'm guessing this is why I've never been able to complete any of the books I've started. I'll get past page 15 and try to link an idea that I wrote on page three, but I've drifted so far away from the main point that I'm stuck explaining everything over again. Actually I don't think I've ever even had a main point. That's also a problem. I get in these zones and write down everything that I'm thinking, but when I get out of my zone I'll look back and wonder what I was ever trying to accomplish in the first place...


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