
sunshine, i'm beginning to like this

Okay, so I'm definetly in some kind of groove because I've never been able to stay focused on drawing for this long. I'm in a zone I suppose, but I don't think it can last too much longer. The quality of it also sort of sucks because I just sort of throw it down before I can think about it much. Whatever.

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I've questioned switched my major to graphic design, but I probably won't. I could probably go into graphic design with a marketing degree anyways. I wonder how much a degree is really worth after college. I've seen statistics and a lot of other crap, but I wonder if I would be happier just doing what I want right now rather than be at school. Either way, I don't think I'm wasting my time because I enjoy learning, and I'm sure that in the long term it will benefit me.

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I think I'll take a break from drawing for the time being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no breaks, it's go time jack. what's the deal with sudan? peace nug

2:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's get going, update motherfucker!

8:09 PM


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