
salvation a la mode

I'm beginning to think I'm a communist. It's cool to think about what the world would be like without money. It would probably still suck, but not as much. Say if money is represented by variable M and suck is represented by variable s. Without money, the amount of suck on the earth would equal s - M. Maybe though, M is so large that suck would become a negative number. So then we would blow. Great. I wonder what would replace money though, once it is out of the picture. If I had a guess, which I do, I would say that popularity would become society's new form of money. If you think about it Hollywood is like high school. You've got the sluts: Anna Nicole Smith, Christina Aguliera, etc. The stoners: Courtney Love, Macaulay Culkin, George Bush, etc. The dumb bitches: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Ashlee Simpson etc. The list goes on. It's all some intricate web of relationships and stereotypes that one cannot even begin to comprehend. That would be society's new order. Whoever has the most recognized name gets it all. That sucks, I'll take money over that. Communism is cool in that it creates one whole society by eliminating the need for organized government. See people have the wrong idea about Communism these days. I blame Lenin. Marx and Engles talked about how it would just happen naturally. The only thing that I don't like about his theory is how, in a system of Total Communism, organized religion would be eliminated. I don't think society will ever come close to comprehending life after death, which is one of the reasons that we have different religions in the first place.

Religion is awesome. Especially if you truly believe what your preaching. Some people have to convince themselves of what they believe by saying it lots of times, but that won't do anything. It's something deeper to truly know that God exists. We're all looking for that inner peace to calm a restless soul.

did you find it?


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