
listen closer to the verse i lay

I wrote this awhile ago about someone who got on my nerves:

You’re fake. Everything that floats from your lips is a lie. Like poison your words fill the room with fallacies, and sooner than not we will see through the outer shell that protects you. The toxins fill the room and pour out of the seams. The dam is breaking, watch out. Your followers are few and far and soon you will find none if you continue in the same manner as before. Narcissistic, ignorant, paranoid, phony, and irrational are you. Your expertise in subjects lie from what you hear from others. Run to your kite like so many have. Everyone sees through you now. It was only a matter of time. Did you think you would escape unscathed from the scorching heat? Run faster now. Your time is gone. The ground dissolves from your feet, you have nowhere to stand. All alone in your steel cloud you fall from your venue, which was once so beautiful. Try and stop it. Everything around you evaporates leaving one last shining core of truth and reason. Taste it. Take it in your hands and swallow the last bit of rationale that is left. Your kite is gone. Scramble frantically and gather up what little you have. Does it make you sad to know nothing was true? Float and fall. Laugh and cry. Love and hate. Win and lose. Play and Work. Live and die. You take your high and finish low. It will destroy you from the inside. Stop your search before it kills you. Life is a joke so laugh. Nothing can be more real than that, but at the same time nothing can be more fake. Pseudofallacies fill you as life goes on.

That’s what I do when people annoy me. I write figuratively about their maddening characteristics and then smile at the thought of sending it to the person and watching them read it. I never send it though. Brutal honesty kills me. I’m glad though that I can take out my emotions on a keyboard rather than throwing punches at someone. I seem to have more friends as a result, who would have thought? Anger can stir a storm within me to make me write, but I would much rather be driven by something more pleasant. Currently though I’m not feeling that, so for now I’ll fire out another paragraph of garbage and beam with intent.


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