
run, rabbit run

I would kill for a lego set right about now. I used to make wicked awesome designs with them. Me and my brothers would play lego city and I would be the sonofabitch mayor who collected taxes. I made a pretty penny off of it too. We would have these stupid elections where all three of us were running for mayor even though we made up the entire voting populous. Somehow I won the election though. Things got pretty intense when I raised taxes after a couple months. I would always come downstairs to find the mayor headless on his throne or one of the walls missing from my mansion. So much drama over a 130% tax raise. It really wasn't that big of a deal in my opinion. It was like real life, all the tax money was supposed to go towards new legos, but instead I would take the money and buy nuclear weapons with it. Well, not nuclear weapons, but I did buy lunch. This sort of got the citizens of Lego City (my two brothers) to plot against me, which ultimately lead to my downfall. When they informed me of their plot to overthrow my reign I pretty much destroyed the whole city and left them in charge of the rubble. A perfect ending to my dictatorship.

My favourite thing about legos wasn't the profit they brought me, but the freedom they gave me to do whatever I wanted. Legos set me free and with every new set containing a different piece I was closer to having it all. I could design anything. I had found an outlet and a way to express myself. I'm guessing this is why I got into art so much. I like being creative, which is why I would die for a set of legos right now. The worst thing about legos was having someone ruin your creation. I had once built an enormous tower and named it The Sears Tower(it didn't really look like the Sears Tower, it was just tall as hell). Anyways, after a couple of days of hardcore legoing and finding the right pieces it was complete. Two days later a projectile flung by a terrorist organization(my four year old cousin) struck my masterpiece and destroyed it.

I've heard about these monks who make intricate collages out of tiny grains of sand, which take many hours to complete. Upon finishing their design they don't leave it there, but instead sweep it up and start the process again. I experienced this firsthand when The Sears Tower came crashing down. I don't know how they do it. Create something so beautiful only to destroy it and start again. I've always respected monks for a couple of reasons (1) Their outfits are awesome (2) They always seem to be hiding a wonderful secret. I don't exactly know what secret their hiding, but I'm sure that through a life of servitude they have a pretty solid idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, oh man...i would also kill for some legos. those things rock my world...that and linkin logs :)

6:22 PM

Blogger Alice said...

I am glad you stopped in and left a comment at my site, had you not I wouldn't have been able to enjoy in your wonderful writing. Thanks.

8:52 PM

Blogger m said...

Hi Ezekiel!
thanks for the comment on http://electricity.blogspot.com

1:20 PM


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