
a different tune

I want to know who invented the bagpipe and shake that man's hand. How messed up do you have to be to come up with an instrument like that? It's a bag with four hollow sticks coming out of it. Leave it to Ireland and Scotland to master something so insane. No wonder we have so many immigrants, everyone in their country is taking up bagpipe. Don't get me wrong. I love listening to bagpipe everynow and then, but when an eight year old tries learning the second hardest instrument in the world, the sound that results isn't so pleasant. It brings back horrific memories of my brother learning the saxophone.

Music makes the world go round. It's a drug. People are constantly in search of entertainment, anything to make the day go by faster. We are bored. Look at the bagpipe and tell me it is not a clear resultant of boredom. There are a few reasons why people get into instruments (1) Parents. (2) Role Models. (3) Boredom. Usually it's parents who want you to take the piano or violin thinking that your some sort of prodigy child. Kids usually play an instrument until the end of middle school when they realize that they have free will. Before they get into high school they save themselves the embarrassment of being labeled a band geek by putting down the talent or lack thereof. Role models play a large part in the persuasion too. Kids want to grow up to be like Britney Spears, Kurt Kobain, or William Hung so they pick up an instrument hoping that one day the red carpet will greet them with open arms. Some people are just more musically inclined than others. I think boredom is the best way to get into instruments. What else is their to do over summer break besides pick up the jazz flute? Your friends will like you cause there's nothing else to do and your parents will think it's better than watching television all day. You can't go wrong.

There's something to be said about the people who have a real passion for music. You can feel it when they play. Every word that comes from their mouth is dripping with emotion and you're hit with whatever meaning the song holds. Tears in Heaven is a good example of this. I once heard someone compare this song to elevator music, but I don't think he was really listening to the song. I don't blame him though. Everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how thoughtless or ridiculous, but I personally would take Tears in Heaven over elevator music any day.

i'm still looking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, oh jack...yes i don't think Mike really was listening to tears in heaven...what an insult. oh well...at least when i play it for you it gets some respect lol

p.s. Pat plays the bagpipes :)

5:58 PM


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