
i'll take the hint...

I would say that Easter is one of the best holiday's around. Christmas is alright, but I like Easter better because it's a spring holiday. If only it was actually warm. The other day someone brought about how weird Easter's mascot is. There's a couple things that creep me out about this (1) Rabbit's don't lay eggs (2) Even if it did lay eggs, it couldn't do it for everyone in the world. I don't know who came up with it, but they must have been tripped up on acid to imagine a giant rabbit squatting out eggs in everyone's house on Easter. That's just strange.

There is some sanity to the Easter Bunny legend though. Apparently the hare is a symbol of fertility and renewal of life, which means that rabbits have a lot of sex. So the renewal of life thing sort of fits in with the Christian tradition of Easter. Then America took this symbol and turned it into a rabbit who lays lots of eggs. I guess that makes sense, but I still don't understand how the rabbit lays eggs. Hooray for Americanization. We've managed to warp another perfectly sane holiday by electing a mutated rabbit as its mascot. Another thing, if Easter is all about the resurrection of Jesus, why isn't he laying eggs in the homes around the world. I guess a rabbit breaking into homes was much more attractive than a savior.


very free and easy

I watched Spring Break: Shark Attack the other day on CBS. Somehow they managed to provide viewers with a valuable message about rape while entertaining the public by showing spring breakers being eaten by vicious sharks. I didn't think it was possible, but they pulled it off. The weird thing is that a week or so before its air time a similar incident actually happened off the coast of Florida where sharks migrated towards the beach and scared off people. I bet CBS did it just to get viewers. Their next big idea for a movie is entitled Locusts. That's pretty self-explanatory, but I'm still trying to figure out how they'll put a twist on it. I can't wait.

It seems like the producers of these movies are just picking nouns and running with them. Shark. Locust. I guess that's not a bad idea when you have nothing better to work with. If I had extra air time I would make an hour and a half movie about a swarm of killer locusts too. That would be great to draw up the storyboard for. The plot doesn't even have to be developed, all the viewers want to see is a bunch of people running away from insects in terror. Television at its best.

I have all these ideas running through my head that never get out. They always run into each other and cancel out. It's very confusing. What results is something like this post, complete bullshit with no real conclusion, which seems to characterize not only this post, but my life also. It does bring me some consolation though that many people are in the same position as me. My position being, not having any real direction in life, but knowing where I want to end up. Maybe that is a direction though...like I said, it's very confusing.


just a little pinprick

I watched a show called Dope Sick Love the other nite. It was pretty entertaining watching crack heads scrounging up money for a couple hits of coke. Then I got depressed because they can't stop doing it. There was a woman in complete hysterics because her needle was bent and she couldn't get high. Drugs become their lives because they don't know what else to do.

I've spent the majority of my life at school, and I can't honestly say I've gotten anything out of it but social skills. Go to college, get good grades, find a wife, raise another generation of robots. The great american dream. It's what we all unconsciously strive for in this world because we don't know what else to do. I might as well be doing cocaine every nite. We're not so different from the crack heads and the junkies, in fact, they're the ones having all the fun. All of us are in the same boat with no direction to move in. My purpose in life isn't to major in Marketing. I don't truly believe that, but what else can I do?

I'd like to hit the streets for a day and talk to random people. I think I'd have a lot of friends by the end of the day. It's interesting what people will settle for when they're desperate.
Talking to someone who's lonely is like giving him pure gold. He can't have the gold, but he'll settle just for a casual conversation. I almost wish I was in that state. I wouldn't be able to have the nice car, but I'd be willing to settle for a pair of sandals.


a whisper

So I ran out of things to say. I need to regenerate or something. Like a hot wheels car going through the accelerator machine thing. Except I'm not a hot wheels car, and I definitely can't afford an accelerator machine thing. See I had some ideas that I could write, but they sort of fell out the back of my mind. I hate it when that happens.

I need something new. Not like new car new. I need a new state of mind to make life more interesting. I wish I could be colourblind for a day, just to try it out. Maybe even deaf or blind. That would be something new. I wouldn't mind, just for a day, but then it would get boring again. The life we lead is pushing us into solitude. I thought about that the other day. We start off knowing everyone from our high school, then we come to college, where we meet new people, but rarely get to know them. After college perhaps you move into an apartment with a roommate. Then comes a house, and you're all alone. Maybe that's why some people buy a billion animals. The ruckus puts some noise above the unbearable quiet.

I imagine I would go insane in solitude. If someone put me in a quiet box for the rest of my life I would surely bring my make believe friends. Or maybe just laugh to pass the time. Anything to fill the silence.