
a whisper

So I ran out of things to say. I need to regenerate or something. Like a hot wheels car going through the accelerator machine thing. Except I'm not a hot wheels car, and I definitely can't afford an accelerator machine thing. See I had some ideas that I could write, but they sort of fell out the back of my mind. I hate it when that happens.

I need something new. Not like new car new. I need a new state of mind to make life more interesting. I wish I could be colourblind for a day, just to try it out. Maybe even deaf or blind. That would be something new. I wouldn't mind, just for a day, but then it would get boring again. The life we lead is pushing us into solitude. I thought about that the other day. We start off knowing everyone from our high school, then we come to college, where we meet new people, but rarely get to know them. After college perhaps you move into an apartment with a roommate. Then comes a house, and you're all alone. Maybe that's why some people buy a billion animals. The ruckus puts some noise above the unbearable quiet.

I imagine I would go insane in solitude. If someone put me in a quiet box for the rest of my life I would surely bring my make believe friends. Or maybe just laugh to pass the time. Anything to fill the silence.


Blogger Lil McGill said...

where do you go to find the things you write? i started to read your posts because you commented on mine, i'm a bit like a cat that way...but this last entry...just when you think you have nothing to give, turn around and see that you did come to the party bearing a gift, it pours from your fingers in unexpected doses.

3:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And through the clouds, a light will shine, and with its warmth and brightness, the springs harvest will thrive...

12:08 AM


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