
just a little pinprick

I watched a show called Dope Sick Love the other nite. It was pretty entertaining watching crack heads scrounging up money for a couple hits of coke. Then I got depressed because they can't stop doing it. There was a woman in complete hysterics because her needle was bent and she couldn't get high. Drugs become their lives because they don't know what else to do.

I've spent the majority of my life at school, and I can't honestly say I've gotten anything out of it but social skills. Go to college, get good grades, find a wife, raise another generation of robots. The great american dream. It's what we all unconsciously strive for in this world because we don't know what else to do. I might as well be doing cocaine every nite. We're not so different from the crack heads and the junkies, in fact, they're the ones having all the fun. All of us are in the same boat with no direction to move in. My purpose in life isn't to major in Marketing. I don't truly believe that, but what else can I do?

I'd like to hit the streets for a day and talk to random people. I think I'd have a lot of friends by the end of the day. It's interesting what people will settle for when they're desperate.
Talking to someone who's lonely is like giving him pure gold. He can't have the gold, but he'll settle just for a casual conversation. I almost wish I was in that state. I wouldn't be able to have the nice car, but I'd be willing to settle for a pair of sandals.


Blogger krystal said...

that last line is really beautiful

3:44 PM

Blogger krystal said...

that last line is really beautiful

3:45 PM

Blogger krystal said...

that last line is really beautiful

3:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that last line is really beautiful

3:45 PM


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