
may angels lead you in

Tonite I played soccer with a dog. I think this is one of the most memorable events of my week. It was cool because other people joined in, but this was after they saw that a dog was playing too. That was sort of sad. The dog seemed cool with it though so we played on until the owner came by, thanked me, and walked away. I'm not sure what the thank you was for, but it was appreciated.

I wish I had short term memory loss so that everything around me would be new. Remembering only what occurred in the past few seconds, I would be amazed with my surroundings. Everything would be beautiful. There would be no judging because I would have no memories to compare or contrast appearance to. It would be kind of hard to excel in school; in fact, it would be near impossible. That's the only setback that comes to my mind though. I'm sure people would easily fall in love with someone like this. Who wouldn't like a new friend every few seconds? You could confess everything to him, get advice, and know that your secret is safe because he won't remember.

Dogs can serve as a new friend; however, when you confess to them you don't get much feedback, and often end up looking pretty weird. I think that when people pray, they feel as if they are talking to an invisible dog. We're always listening for a bark when often he's just licking our face.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i had the thinking process you do...its amazing. And now that you've updated...i suppose i can too! hehe

and i'm totally going to miss you over the summer :( what am i going to do without you? lol. Probably get into lots of trouble...thats what. hehe, aww jack i luv you like only a close friend could...its also 5:15 in the morning and im rambling w/out thinking hehe.


6:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

jack gas....when did you get so deep? i look at you and i see a 7 foot tall goof-ass, but i love the deepness of it all. makes me think, you rock dude have fun this summer and don't get cho ass capped in the inner city this summer


4:44 PM

Blogger Lil McGill said...

been looking for your writing...just know it's missed

5:38 PM


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